"nous Animation" founded in 7th July 2011 at Thessaloniki, Greece by two young friends. Their love for comics and stop-motion animation in top production movies and how they are made, made them embrace the art of Animation. Some computers and a dozen of sketches were enough to light the spark for the foundation of the studio.
Since 2011, we have created over six animated shorts, enhancing the greek animation industry, combining each time different techniques, in order to achieve visually better results. The team’s passion for Animation and Innovation resulted in creating the first Greek Virtual Reality Animation, "novum". You can enjoy all of our content in our Youtube channel (nous Animation) and you can stay updated by liking our Facebook page (nous Animation).
Our most innovative projects in the field of Augmented and Extended Reality in general can be found in "nous Lab". Enjoy all our projects and contact us in case you have a fascinating idea!
Generating three-dimensional moving images in a digital environment with boosted creativity from you, creates the most outstanding result.
We create a new immersive virtual world that only you could have imagined, using the latest technology in the Animation industry.
Advertising your company using Animation makes you stand out, since it competes any other Marketing medium.
Let us bring your most creative idea to life in a unique way of Storytelling.